Firstly I want to tell you about Site Seeing.
For nearly three thousand years ago Egypt was one of the richest and most powerful nations on earth. Under the rule of the pharaoh, the Egyptians had built most gigantic pyramids, enormous temples and colossal statues, and gathered vast treasures of gold and jewels. All this wealth and power relied on the River Nile. Each year the Nile flooded the the narrow valley and wide delta, leaving a thick layer of fertile mud in which helps crops grow. Beyond the reach of floods stretched the desert where nothing would grow. Ancient Egypt depended on the Nile and most of the sites in the kingdom are crowded along its length.
Secondly I like to tell you about The Farming Year.
The farming year in Egypt began when the flood ended in October. Wheat and barley were cut and collected all at once, while the ground is still soft. The harvest began in the following March. Farmers did not only worked in farms they also work for the
pharoah. They mended canals and ditches,worked on upgrading and building project and fought in the army.
Now I like to talk about Crowning Glory.
The first pharaohs in Upper Egypt wore a white crown and kings in lower wore a red crown. Later the pharaohs changed to wear the double crown of a united Egypt. Sometimes pharaohs wore the
Atef crown or a smaller blue crown decorated with a vulture and a snake. These creatures symbolized the Delta and the upper Nile Valley.
Now I'm telling you about Working for the Pharaoh.
The crafts people of Ancient Egypt were highly skilled and produce and work on delicate work. As time passed they learned new skills and techniques. Most craftspeople worked in small workshops run by a temple or a wealthy owner. The pharaoh might order hundreds of crafts people to move to a new town to do an important project.
Now I'm telling you about The Osiris Myth.
Osiris is one of the most popular gods of Egypt. He was a god of farming, death and rebirth. Egyptians believed that Osiris has once
rulled Egypt as a pharaoh but murdered by his jealous brother Set, god of war, storms and desert. Set cut up
Orsiris body into pieces and hid them but found by
Orsiris's wife, Isis, found the pieces, put them back together and conceived a son, Horus. Horus the hawk god of day and the air, defeated Set and became the new pharaoh. After this Osiris became the king of the dead. Isis was the goddess of magic and life.
Now I'm telling you about Temples, Tombs and Pyramids.
The Ancient Egyptian are the first people to build with stone. They created the huge temples, tombs and pyramids, which were the biggest building in the ancient world. These were built so well that many lasted for thousand of years.
Now I'm telling you about The Land of the Dead.
One of the most important religious beliefs in Ancient Egypt was that people survived death. The first Egyptians were buried in the desert sands. The dry, hot sand preserved the bodies. Perhaps That's why had to be preserved if their spirits were to enjoy life in the land of dead.
Now I'm telling you about Egyptian Art. For exp, if a pharaoh is dragging a prisoner grabbing the hair and holding a club means the pharaoh had won a battle
Now I'm telling you about Egypt at War.
Egyptian armies were very
formable in a battle. When Egypt was united under a strong pharaoh, its army is able to defeat nearly all their enemy. During the old kingdom, the pharaoh ordered farmers to fight in wars. When during the new kingdom, pharaohs realised the Egyptian army into
Charioteers, infantrymen and mercenaries were trained to fight together.
At last I'm telling you about The Romans.
Under the Roman Empire, Egypt was heavily taxed and any
signs of independence were brutally crushed. The gods were still worshiped and the local people are allowed to escape their own lives, although Roman soldiers were stationed throughout the land. Gradually the old ways were stamped out or forgotten. By AD350 the old Egypt had vanished.