
Monday, April 26, 2010

The choir camp 24-25 April

Every intermediate chorister was invited to the choir camp including me. The camp was at Naamaroo Conference Centre which is near Lancove National Park.

When I arrived at the camp I went to my cabin. My cabin number was 5 so I went to cabin 5. In cabin five there were bunk beds. I chose my bunk bed on the top and most other kids including Mason (who is my friend) were on the top too. When we finished making our beds we went to the main hall to rehearse some music and songs. After rehearsing we had morning tea. At morning tea we had banana muffins and water. After morning tea we all had activities. Everyone had chances to play four activities which were quiet time, art, composition and outdoor activities. After this we went to have lunch. At lunch we had wraps. After lunch I forgot what I did. Then we had dinner. After dinner we went to the main hall to watch children performing. After watching we went to bed.

The next morning we went up for breakfast. After breakfast We rehearsed and after rehearsing we drew a random fish (like a watermelon fish, banana fish and etc.). When we finished drawing we rehearsed once again. Before we went home a teacher announced which cabins deserved to get a special prize to take home for performing good everywhere and slept the earliest. The winning cabins were cabin 5 and 15.

I can't believe that the special prize was only a piece of chocolate but I still happily took it and went home.

This was my first camping. It was really fun. I didn't get homesick at all!

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